Post 233 Law and Order Awards Alumni
2 0 1 2 Corporal Sidney A. Mickler 2013 Deputy Stacy Ettel 2014 Corporal James ‘Robbie’ Robinson 2015 Deputy Rafael Fuentes Jr. 2016 Detective Samantha English 2017 Detective Corporal Jennifer Burres 2018 Corporal Joshua Underwood 2019 Detective David Causey 2020 No selection due to Covid-19 2021
2 0 1 2 Firefighter Katrina L. Silvia 2013 Engineer Casey B. Lane 2014 Firefighter Artisiom ‘Art’ Naidzich 2015 Firefighter Jason A. Baer 2016 Firefighter Robert Harper 2017 Engineer Brian D. Freeland 2018 Engineer Max Schafer 2019 Engineer Timothy Young 2020 No selection due to Covid-19 2021
Firefighter o f t h e Y ear
Law Enforcement Officer o f t h e Y ear
This website is privately owned and operated by Roy Havekost, Past Commander Post 233, 2012-2015. Information and updates are posted to this website with the cooperation of the current term Post Commander. Final design/content approval is at the discretion of the webmaster.


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