American Legion Post 233 commits to send at least 3 students to Boys State in Tallahassee, FL every year. Students are interviewed and selected from our area high schools for this program. Registration and transportation costs exceed $500 per candidate. We could use your help financially in any amount to help us make this happen. Help us help tomorrow’s leaders! Thank you for your donation.
Pledge: American Legion Boys State is designed to bring out the best in America’s future leaders. Attendees are selected because they are the best representatives of both their schools and their communities. This pledge reminds all potential delegates of the honor and value that the American Legion has for and requires of each young man. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. I have never attended The American Legion Boys State. I sincerely want to attend Florida Boys State, and if accepted, will, to the best of my ability: * Take a serious and conscientious interest in discharging my duties as a citizen * Obey the rules of Boys State * Respect the judgment of the Boys State Director, Counselors and Staff * Participate in all activities * Seek election or appointment to office, and if elected or appointed, serve that office * Keep myself neat and well-groomed at all times * Avoid the use of profane language and actions * Refrain from injurious habits such as the use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs, and * Upon my return home from Boys State, I will make a formal oral or written report of my week at Boys State and to thank my sponsor(s)
American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. A participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county, and state government, Boys State was founded in 1935 to counter the socialism-inspired Young Pioneer Camps. The program was the idea of two Illinois Legionnaires, Hayes Kennedy and Harold Card, who organized the first Boys State at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield. American Legion Auxiliary sponsors a separate but similar program for young women called Girls State. At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county, and state governments operated by students elected to various offices. Instruction will also be presented on the law and court system, parliamentary procedure, and Florida political History. At Florida Boys State, citizens will gain hands-on experience to leadership by taking part in the political process through role-play civic exercises. Citizens of Florida Boys State not only will be required to review knowledge already acquired concerning the political machinery of the state of Florida, but they will find themselves running for office as real candidates do in the everyday world. Citizens will be organized into a mythical city, county, and state from where they choose their own officials in accordance with regular election procedures. From there, they learn the duties of the various city, county, and state officers, and they introduce and argue their own bills in a Legislature. The entire program is non-partisan. Problems will be considered without reference to any existing political party and will be free from propaganda to enable the boys to understand some of the responsibilities they will encounter when they become adults. The selection and assignment of the boys to the political parties is in no way connected with the existing political parties in Florida. The Florida Boys State uses mythical parties called “Nationalists” and “Federalists” where none of the principles characterized by any of the existing parties will be adopted by Florida Boys State.
This website is privately owned and operated by Roy Havekost, Past Commander Post 233, 2012-2015. Information and updates are posted to this website with the cooperation of the current term Post Commander. Final design/content approval is at the discretion of the webmaster.


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