The Past Commanders Club will be a social gathering of past commanders of Post 233. We will always show HONOR and respect to all fellow veterans. As a FELLOWSHIP of elite legion members, we will take PRIDE in the accomplishments at our Post. We will apply our knowledge and know-how in MENTORING new commanders, and act as an Advisory Committee, if needed. We will show SUPPORT of any and all Legion programs that are undertaken by Post 233 membership.
As an elite group of American Legion members, we are proud to be a Past Commander’
Sonny Kirkwood 2023-2024, PCC EB Rep. 2024-25 Caroline Merillat 2018-2023 Dan Wortmann 2016-2018, PCC EB Rep. 2023-24 Sonny Kirkwood 2015-2016 Roy Havekost 2012-2015, PCC EB Rep. 2015-16, 2017-20 Robert 'Robby' Bacom 2011-2012 Clen Ward 2009-2010 James P. Ross 2007-2008 John 'Ski' Kozlowski 1999-2000 Lynn Haslauer 1993-94, 98-99
Article V- Officers of our Constitution and By-Laws calls for a Past Commander selected by the Past Commanders Club to serve on the Executive Board in addition to the other officers January 2020, due,in part, to restrictions placed on gatherings as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic regular meetings of the Past Commanders Club had been suspended indefinitely. Communications accomplished via emails.
Don Mills, (former member) 2008-2009, PCC EB Rep. 2016-17, 2020-21
This website is privately owned and operated by Roy Havekost, Past Commander Post 233, 2012-2015. Information and updates are posted to this website in cooperation with the current term Post Commander when possible. Final design & content is at the discretion of the webmaster.
January 2024, EB rep. vote taken via email, results filed with PC Roy Havekost, PCC Chairman.


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Copyright 2021Palm Valley Post 233 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082All rights reserved