© 2007-2021 Palm Valley Post 233
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
~ All rights reserved ~
Membership eligibility in the American Legion is based on honorable service in
the Armed Forces during the following dates:
Our Post requires a copy of your *DD-214 or Honorable
Discharge for verification, and/or
verification with a Military ID if on active duty or retired.
Printable Legion Membership Application (mail or deliver)
*The IRS audit rules require that an American Legion Post maintain proof of eligibility of all its’
members. It is requested that all members provide Post 233 Adjutant with a copy of your DD-214.
For active duty members who have no DD-214, provide a copy of your ID card. For those members
who served before DD-214s were issued, provide a copy of your military record that shows your
dates of service. All documents will be filed in a locked cabinet in the office. Should the Post be
audited and not have proof of member eligibility, it will be a $1,000 fine each day until we can show
proof on every member. The copy that you provide the Post may have your social security number
redacted for security reasons. This notice shall be included in all newsletters from this month forward.
[Chapter 76 Exempt Organizations Examination Guideline (IRM 4.76.26) rel. January 2011]
1. April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918
2. December 7, 1941 to current day